
    1. Introduction

    2. Framing

    3. Framing Application

    4. Reverse Insurance

    5. Reverse Insurance Application

    6. Frontiers

    7. Frontiers Application

    8. Adjacent Possible

    9. Adjacent Possible Application

    10. Infinite Game

    11. Infinite Game Application

    12. Stories

    13. Stories Application

    14. Regret Minimization

    15. Regret Minimization Application

    16. Aplomb (Doubting Self-Doubt)

    17. Aplomb Application

    18. Uncertainty Manifesto

    19. Uncertainty Manifesto Application

    20. REFRAME: You tell us!

    1. Know Your Risks

    2. Know Your Risks Application

    3. Personal Real Options

    4. Personal Real Options Application

    5. Uncertainty Balancers

    6. Uncertainty Balancers Application

    7. Dumbo Feathers

    8. Dumbo Feathers Application

    9. Runways and Landing Strips

    10. Runways and Landing Strips Application

    11. Reimagining Resources

    12. Reimagining Resources Application

    13. Fait Sur Mesure

    14. Fait Sur Mesure Application

    15. Don't Force Machinery

    16. Don't Force Machinery Application

    17. PRIME: You tell us!

    1. Activate and Unlock

    2. Activate and Unlock Application

    3. Values over Goals

    4. Values over Goals Application

    5. Cognitive Flexibility

    6. Cognitive Flexibility Application

    7. Learning in Fog

    8. Learning in Fog Application

    9. 10,000 Shots

    10. 10,000 Shots Application

    11. Bricolage

    12. Bricolage Application

    13. Small Steps

    14. Small Steps Application

    15. Pivot

    16. Pivot Application

    17. DO: You tell us!

    1. Sustain Introduction

    2. Emotional Hygiene

    3. Riding the Waves

    4. Hope is Active

    5. Connection and Community

    6. Comforts

    7. Returning to Center: A Therapist's View on Navigating Uncertainty

    8. Reality Check

    9. Embrace Being Human

    10. Learned Optimism

    11. Frustration Management

    12. Sorting Knowns vs Unknowns

    13. Alternatives and Probabilities

    14. Creative Competition

    15. Worst Case Scenario

    16. Optimization Myth

    17. Magic

    18. Picaresque

    19. As If

    20. Helping Others

    21. Memento Mori

    22. Techs You Live By

    23. SUSTAIN: You Tell Us!

    24. Final Thoughts and Congratulations

    25. Upside Course Survery


  • $30.00
  • 10.5 hours of video content
  • Impactful reflection activities + worksheets

Make Decisions Confidently

Strategies for uncertainty give you the self-assurance you need to move forward

Whether you are searching for the courage to start a business, change careers, transformation personally, or respond to a life disappointment, you will face uncertainty—that ambiguous and uncomfortable state that often makes you feel confused, anxious, and afraid to act. Let's build the tools you need to face uncertainty with confidence.

Navigate Uncertainty Step by Step

Like a first-aid kit for uncertainty, this four-stage system gives you practical tools right when you need them most.


Our Impact

“This program arrived at the right moment, when I felt the need for a turning point in my professional career and even to have a project in parallel with my professional career. Here I found the tools I need to navigate through uncertain times.”

“…a sophisticated yet accessible guide to turning uncertainty into a force for creativity, positive action and good.”

“With the right intention, some can use it as an overarching life guide, probably to great success.”

“Very useful for many reasons. 1. Recognition that uncertainty is increasing and that everybody is challenged by that. 2. The tools are very useful both from a practical as well as from a motivational point of view. 3. The stories bring it to life. Certainly a very important part of the proportion. Everything is very relevant, useful and compelling.”

“A unique, powerful combination of science, philosophy, logic, history, psychology, and everything poetic, thoughtful and human unified with storytelling. With it, I can move mountains, dream bigger, and live a happier, more productive life.”

“This is a splendid job of cataloging the available scientific research on the fringes of a wide array of diverse domains, completed with interviews of some of the most expansive minds of our generation. I can’t recommend it enough.”

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Keynotes, workshops, async programs, and private online courses help your team unlock success in uncertainty.