
  1. Reframe: How You See Uncertainty

  2. Prime: How You Prepare For Change

  3. Do: How You Guide Your Actions

  4. Sustain: How You Keep Going When Things Go Differently


  • $50.00
  • 10.5 hours of video content
  • Application material
  • Live cohorts & community

Upside Toolkit

Represented by a "first-aid" cross, the toolkit is divided into four phases of meeting uncertainty, a cognitive or an action state.

Live Cohorts

Led by co-author Susannah Furr, cohorts offer a live, community-based model for learning the material. Open to current or new students. Next registration opens in a few weeks.

Module Workshops

Joining a live cohort will give you an opportunity to meet 'friends in uncertainty' and acquire skills in uncertainty through an engaging pace and format. After spending two weeks with each module, we will lead a summary presentation and group discussion, incorporating reflection activities to challenge your mindset.

Example activities from past workshops


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Pricing options

We offer a monthly payment plan as well as scholarships, just contact us!